Returns the organisations of the addressbook.
Route | /addressbook/getOrganisations[/:key[/:format[/:limit[/:skip]]]] |
required Parameters | – |
Optional Parameters | format limit (max:1000) skip |
return values | hash name website description labels billingStreet billingPobox billingCity billingState billingPostcode billingCountry deliveryStreet deliveryPobox deliveryCity deliverySate deliveryPostcode deliveryCountry phone fax assignedPersons |
cross references | – |
hints | resultCount: Shows the amount of the result without limits. Usefull for pagination. |
labeling | description | value margins | defauilt |
format | Legt fest in welchem Format das Ergebnis zurückgeliefert werden soll. | json|xml | json |
limit | Defines the amount of the returned results. (max:1000) | 0-1000 | 100 |
skip | Defines the starting page of the result. One page equals the the value of limit. | (0-9)+ | 0 |
Return values
labeling | description | value margin |
hash | Id der Organisation | (a-z0-9){32} |
name | Name der Organisation | string |
website | Website der Org. | string |
description | Beschreibung der Org. | string |
labels | Array mit Labelids, die der Organisation zugeordnet sind. | array mit strings |
billingStreet | Rechnung – Straße | string |
billingPobox | Rechnung – Postbox | string |
billingCountry | Rechnung – Bundesland | string |
billingCity | Rechnung – Stadt | string |
billingState | Rechnung – Land | string |
billingPostcode | Rechnung – Postleitzahl | string |
deliveryStreet | Versandt – Straße | string |
deliveryPobox | Versandt – Postbox | string |
deliveryCountry | Versandt – Bundesland | string |
deliveryCity | Versandt – Stadt | string |
deliveryState | Versandt – Land | string |
deliveryPostcode | Versandt – Postleitzahl | string |
E-Mail-Address | string | |
phone | Phonenumber | string |
fax | Fax | array |
assignedPersons | assigned persons | array |
format | format of the result | json|xml |
message | description |
maximum limit exeeded | The maximum limit is reached. |
no permission | The key has no access to this function. |
internal error | An internal error occured. |
param missing | A required parameter is missing. |
param invalid | The value of a parameter is not valid. |
result empty | The request was successful, but the result itself is empty. |
cost error | The current credit amount is not sufficient to handle the request. |
0k. | The processing was successful. |
$root = ''; $arrayParams = array( 'service' =>'addressbook', 'method' =>'getOrganisations', 'key' =>'myPersonalKey', ); $GETparams = implode('/', $arrayParams); $requestURL = $root.$GETparams; if (!function_exists('curl_init')) die('cURL not available'); $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $requestURL); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); // Download the given URL, and return output $output = curl_exec($ch); // Close the cURL resource, and free system resources curl_close($ch); echo $output;
{ "apiErrorCode": 0, "apiErrorMessage": "0k.", "apiResult": [{ "hash": "b4b292d0c16f20eee10a7754539a189c", "name": "myOrg", "labels": { "label_0": "kbdnkaaa", "label_1": "lbdnkaaa" }, "website": "", "description": "new org in cologne", "billingStreet": "orgstreet 2", "billingPobox": "987654", "billingCity": "cologne", "billingState": "germany", "billingPostcode": "2342334", "billingCountry": "nrw", "deliveryStreet": "orgstreet 2", "deliveryPobox": "123456987654", "deliveryCity": "cologne", "deliveryState": "germany", "deliveryPostcode": "456321", "deliveryCountry": "nrw", "email": "", "phone": "123456", "fax": "3215640", "assignedPersons": { "assignedPerson_0": { "hash": "23424lkjlkjwei3242", "firstname": "assPers_firstname", "lastname": "assPers_lastname" } } }] } [/php]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <result> <apiErrorCode>0</apiErrorCode> <apiErrorMessage>0k.</apiErrorMessage> <apiResult> <organisations> <organisation> <hash>3957d580698c3345c9a962e077c44961</hash> <name>myOrg</name> <labels /> <website>titlevalue</website> <description>firstnamevalue</description> <billingStreet>lastnamevalue</billingStreet> <billingPobox>functionvalue</billingPobox> <billingCity>2000-01-02</billingCity> <billingState>123</billingState> <billingPostcode>beschreibungavlue</billingPostcode> <billingCountry>emailvalue</billingCountry> <deliveryStreet>emailvalue2</deliveryStreet> <deliveryPobox>phonewordvalue</deliveryPobox> <deliveryCity>phoneprivatevalue</deliveryCity> <deliveryState>phonemodilevalue</deliveryState> <deliveryPostcode>faxvalue</deliveryPostcode> <deliveryCountry>facebookvalue</deliveryCountry> <email>googleplusvalue</email> <phone>twittervalue</phone> <fax>xongvalue</fax> <assignedPersons> <assignedPerson_0> <hash>4234fgdert32424</hash> <firstname>person_firstname</firstname> <lastname>person_lastname</lastname> </assignedPerson_0> </assignedPersons> </organisation> </organisations> </apiResult> </result>