Returns the entries of the calendar.
Route | /calendar/getEntries[/:key[/:format[/:format[/:limit[/:projhash[/:eventType]]]]]] |
required Parameters | – |
Optional Parameters | format limit skip projhash eventType |
returnvalues | hash projectHash type starttime endtime title description |
crossreferences | getProjects() – enthält projekthashes. |
hints | Limit: The maximum limit is 1000. To get more results, please use the parameter skip. resultCount: Shows the amount of the result without limits. Usefull for pagination. |
labeling | description | valuemargin | default |
format | Defines in what format the result will be returned. | json|xml | json |
limit | Defines the amount of the returned results. (max:1000) | 0-1000 | 100 |
skip | Defines in what format the result will be returned. | json|xml | json |
projhash | Shows only messages, that are connected to the project. | string | – |
eventType | Shows only messages from this type. | note|todo|event | all |
labeling | description | valuemargin |
hash | Id of the message | (a-z0-9){32} |
projectHash | Hash of the connected project. | string |
type | Type of the message. | note|todo|event |
starttime | Begin of the entry. | YYYY-MM-DD H:M:S |
endtime | End of the entry. | YYYY-MM-DD H:M:S |
title | titel | string |
description | description | string |
Message | description |
maximum limit exeeded | The maximum limit is reached. |
no permission | Der Schlüssel hat keinen Zugriff auf diese Funktion. |
internal error | Ein interner Fehler ist aufgetreten. |
param missing | Ein erforderlicher Parameter wurde nicht übergeben. |
param invalid | Der Wert eines übergebenen Parameters ist nicht gültig. |
result empty | Die Bearbeitung der Anfrage war erfolgreich, aber das Ergebnis ist leer. |
cost error | Der aktuelle Kreditumfang reicht nicht aus, um die Anfrage zu bearbeiten. |
0k. | Die Bearbeitung der Anfrage war erfolgreich. |
$root = ''; $arrayParams = array( <%%KEEPWHITESPACE%%> 'service' =>'calendar', <%%KEEPWHITESPACE%%> 'method' =>'getEntries', <%%KEEPWHITESPACE%%> 'key' =>'myPersonalKey', <%%KEEPWHITESPACE%%> ); $GETparams = implode('/', $arrayParams); $requestURL = $root.$GETparams; if (!function_exists('curl_init')) die('cURL not available'); $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $requestURL); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); // Download the given URL, and return output $output = curl_exec($ch); // Close the cURL resource, and free system resources curl_close($ch); echo $output; ?>Exampleresults
{ <%%KEEPWHITESPACE%%> "apiErrorCode": 0, <%%KEEPWHITESPACE%%> "apiErrorMessage": "0k.", <%%KEEPWHITESPACE%%> "apiResult": [{ <%%KEEPWHITESPACE%%> "hash": "b4b292d0c16f20eee10a7754539a189c", <%%KEEPWHITESPACE%%> "projectHash": "dljkl342lkjsfoi34rswerkj", <%%KEEPWHITESPACE%%> "type": "event", <%%KEEPWHITESPACE%%> "starttime": "2015-12-12 19:07:06", <%%KEEPWHITESPACE%%> "endtime": "2015-12-12 20:50:00", <%%KEEPWHITESPACE%%> "title": "My Event", <%%KEEPWHITESPACE%%> "description": "This is a description", <%%KEEPWHITESPACE%%> }] }XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <result> <apiErrorCode>0</apiErrorCode> <apiErrorMessage>0k.</apiErrorMessage> <apiResult> <entries> <entrie> <hash>3957d580698c3345c9a962e077c44961</hash> <projectHash>lökjdsfd34234oijulk</projectHash> <type>event</type> <starttime>2016-12-12 12:12:12</starttime> <endtime>2016-12-12 12:12:12</endtime> <title>myTitle</title> <description>myDescription</description> </entrie> </entries> </apiResult> </result>