
Returns the created keywords of the daily crawling.

Route /monitor/getKeywords[/:key[/:format[/:limit[/:skip[/:keyword[/:domain[/:sengineid[/:isRanking
Necessary parameter
Optional parameter format
limit (max:1000)

labelids (POST)
Return values keyword

Cross references getSearchEngines()
Hints Limit:
The maximum limit is 1000. To get more results, please use the parameter skip.
The result contains the data, which is crawled at destination time (if handed over).
Otherwise individual data (depending on crawlday settings) will be returned.
The dataset consists of general properties and variable Data (time dependent):
keyword, keywordInserted, domain, sengineId, labelId, device, ignoreUSearch, sevo (not daily crawled), cpc (not daily crawled)
Variable data:
crawlDateTime, isRanking, position, positionChange, universalSearch, url
(if the keyword is not added to destination time, or the crawlinterval does not fit to destination time, the value of the variables is NULL)
The value NULL equals to a organic searchresult.
POST: All parameters signed with POST have to be send by POST.
resultCount: Shows the amount of the result without limits. Usefull for pagination.


Labeling Description Values margin Default value
limit Defines the amount of the returned results. (max:1000) int 100
skip Defines the starting page of the result. One page equals the the value of limit. int 0
format Defines in which format the result will be returned. json|xml json
keyword Contains a particular keyword. string
domain Contains a qualified domain name. (www.)?(A-Z|a-z|0-9)+.(a-z)+ NULL (result independent from domain)
sengineid Contains a unique identifier for the returned search engine. see getSearchEngines()
(parameter: id)
NULL (result independent from sengineid)
labelid Contains a unique identifier for the label attached to the keyword. see getLabels() (parameter: hash) NULL (result independent from sengineid if labelids is also empty)
labelids Contains an array with unique identifier for the labels attached to the keyword. array
see getLabels() (parameter: hash)
NULL (result independent from sengineid if libelid is also empty)
isRanking Shows whether the keyword is ranking at all. -1: independent from ranking
1: Only ranking keywords
2: Only non-ranking keywords
posMin Defines the minimum position you want to pass. int 0
posMax Defines the maximum position you want to pass. int 120
posChangeMin Defines the minimal change in position you want to pass. int -120
posChangeMax Defines the maximal change in position you want to pass. int 120
resultMin Defines the lowest level of searchvolume you want to pass. int 0
resultMax Defines the highest level of searchvolume you want to pass. int 1000000000000
ignoreUSearch Defines whether universal search should be considered in the result set or not. -1: All keywords
1: Only where unisersal search is ignored
2: Only where universal search is considered
url Shows the url a certain domain ranks best with (given a certain keyword and a certain searchengine) http[s]?://(www.)?(A-Z|a-z|0-9)+.(a-z)+
date Sets the filter to a specific date. YYYY-MM-DD foreach keyword the last individual crawlday
device Sets the filter to a specific device. 1 -> PC
2 -> Tablet
3 -> Smartphone
NULL (Filter turned off)

Return values

Labeling Description Values margin
keyword Chosen keyword for the daily monitoring. string
domain Chosen domain for the daily monitoring. string
sengineId Contains a unique identifier for the returned search engine. int
labels Contains all labels that are attached to the keyword. array
crawlDateTime Shows the date and the time on which the ranking was determined. Date and time: YYYY-MM-DD HH:II:SS
(or NULL if the keyword is not crawled at destination time)
isRanking Shows whether the keyword is ranking at all. 1|0
position Contains the best position of a keyword in a certain period of time. int|-120
positionChange Shows the change of position compared to the last position tracking. int
universalSearch Contains the universal search type. apps | authors | events | music | people | products | recipes | reviews | news | maps | images | video | other | NULL (corresponds to organic searchresult)
ignoreUSearch Defines whether universal search should be considered in the result set or not. 1|0
organicType Contains the organic search type. apps | authors | events | music | people | products | recipes | reviews | news | maps | images | video | other| NULL (corresponds to organic searchresult)
url Shows the best ranking url. string
keywordInserted Zeigt an wann das Keyword angelegt wurde. Date and time: YYYY-MM-DD HH:II:SS
sevo Contains the searchvolume. integer
cpc Contains the cost per click. float
device Contains the device id. 1 -> PC
2 -> Tablet
3 ->Smartphone
posChangeSinceBeginning Shows the position change since beginning of optimization. number


Message Description
no permission The key has no access to this function.
maximum limit exeeded The maximum limit is reached.
internal error An internal error occured.
param missing A required parameter is missing.
param invalid The value of a parameter is not valid.
result empty The request was successful, but the result itself is empty.
cost error The current credit amount is not sufficient to handle the request.
0k. The processing was successful.

Exemplary code

$root = ''; 
$arrayParams = array( 	
        'service'   => 'keyowrds',
	'method'    => 'getDailyKeywords',
	'key'       => 'myPersonalKey',
	'format'    => 'xml',
$GETparams = implode('/', $arrayParams);

$requestURL = $root.$GETparams;

if (!function_exists('curl_init')) die('cURL not available');

$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $requestURL);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

// Download the given URL, and return output
$output = curl_exec($ch);

// Close the cURL resource, and free system resources

echo $output;

Exemplary results


            "crawlDateTime":"2013-03-10 17:35:29",
            "keywordInserted":"2013-01-13 13:08:42",
            "sevo": 300,
            "cpc": 4.38,
            "device": 1
            "crawlDateTime":"2013-03-10 17:37:24",
	    "keywordInserted":"2013-01-13 13:06:10",
            "sevo" => 200,
            "cpc" => 5.34


<?xml version="1.0"?>
				<crawlDateTime>2013-03-10 17:35:29</crawlDateTime>
				<keywordInserted>2013-01-13 13:08:42</keywordInserted>
				<crawlDateTime>2013-03-10 17:37:24</crawlDateTime>
				<keywordInserted>2013-01-13 13:06:10</keywordInserted>