Service Methode Beschreibung Kosten
Monitoring addKeywords Adds keywords to Monitoring. 20/call
Monitoring deleteKeywords Removes added monitoring keywords from the daily crawling. 10/call
Monitoring editKeywords Changes added monitoring keywords. 10/call
Monitoring getDomains Returns the created domains of the daily crawling. 10/call
Monitoring getKeywordLimits Returns the consumption limits of the monitoring keywords.  0/call
Monitoring getKeywordRankings Returns the Top 100 serchresults to installed keyword. 25/call
Monitoring getKeywords Returns the created keywords of the daily crawling. 20/100 rows
Monitoring getKeywordTrend Returns the daily ranking trend of a keyword for a domain. 15/call
Monitoring getOviTrend Returns the Monitoring OVI trend of a project domain. 5/row